What’s the point of buying a billboard if millennials are always looking down at their damn phones?

It’s time for marketers to make an adjustment. But it doesn’t mean you need to create the next “lit” Snapchat filter.

Going strong since the ‘90s is email. An after-thought in marketing through much of the ‘00s is surging in 2017. This all thanks to email marketing surprisingly being a hit with millennials. In fact, 58 percent of millennials say email is their preferred way to be contacted by a brand, according to a survey by Adobe.

ShopperTrak’s insightful infographic below provides a portrait of the everyday millennial and their buying habits. So, although baby boomers, Gen X, and millennials agree that email is a valuable medium, what they do afterward varies.

For example, 60% of millennials will research a product on a smartphone before making a purchase, while only 14% of non-millennials do.

This is incredibly telling of the two worlds that millennials and their parents live in.

Millennials are digital natives. It means they’re always connected online, while digital is simply a tool for non-millennials and not a lifestyle. This affects what email you send to each demographic.

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Email Marketing to Millennials requires Multimedia

Since millennials value visual stimulation and summarized information, they are more likely to respond to videos, while a well-written and detailed emails sent to a Baby Boomer would be enough to earn their trust.

However, there is this misconception that millennials are disengaged because they’re always on their phone. The truth is, they’re actually using their phones to communicate with their friends and family.

This is an important distinction because it shows that written word creates just as powerful of an impact as spoken word. You just need to have the right message and BE DIRECT.

Keep in mind, millennials rarely buy the first time they hear about your brand and will seek someone from their inner circle to vouch for your reputation. This is compared to non-millennials that are easily swayed by ads or advice from a salesperson.

Use Maropost for Marketing to create dynamic content to meet all your customer’s needs.

Meet them where they are

It’s one thing for someone to open your email, but another to convert a lead. That’s why you need to be reaching out to them through mobile, and most importantly – on social media.

A Pew report about millennials found that 75 percent have created at least one social media account. However, millennials often have several accounts with each serving a different purpose. So sync your landing page with your social channels accordingly. For example, if the lead is coming from Instagram, send them an image-heavy email. Once the millennial subscribes, include social icons in the emails so they have more opportunities to engage with your brand.

A Portrait of the Millennial Shopper

ShopperTrak’s infographic is the quintessential profile of the modern millennial. This makes it a great resource for how to market to millennials by understanding the quirks of their buying habits.

It shows you the data on how millennials engage through technology as well as how to earn their loyalty – being socially aware.

ShopperTrak’s infographic is only as text heavy as it needs to be in order to tell a story from the numbers. This makes each “Take Away” section a summary that email marketers can use to craft templates, landing pages and workflows that are based on visuals and selling an experience.

Although, I feel the infographic could have included more information on how to re-engage with millennials through segmentation because there is still a divide between old and young millennials.

Overall, it’s an insightful infographic and kudos to ShopperTrak for this well-researched resource:


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More than 10,000 marketers use Maropost to engage with their prospects and customers through emails, SMS, social media and more. We’re here to help you grow your business!

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